About Fraud Consulting

About Fraud Consulting

Ronald Praetsch
Munich, Germany

About Fraud Consulting offers consulting services with due diligence on your current infrastructure and processes. We help clients define the right strategy, select and implement the relevant changes, and optimize their operational setup to maximize KPIs. We are working with merchants, payment providers, acquirers, and VCs.



Karisse Hendrick
Seattle, WA

Chargelytics Consulting is focused primarily on offering consulting services and research in card-not-present fraud, payments and chargeback management. With over a decade of experience as both a merchant and an acquirer, the principal consultant of Chargelytics Consulting is passionate about providing customized solutions to reduce risk while maximizing revenue, as well as providing value to the ecosystem through customized research and reports.


Dispute Defense Consulting

Alexander Hall
Las Vegas, NV

Effective fraud prevention strategy development consulting that provide both sales enablement and merchant security. Fraudsters are not limited to interactions with a checkout form. We pull on 15 years of relevant experience to consult merchants and merchant service providers on the steps that they can take to offer low-friction customer experience, while securing their operation at every user touchpoint across the CX Journey.


Mission Omega

Ian Mitchell & Ben Wallach
United States

Mission Omega is a specialized, mission-led fraud services company sharing expertise and resources to fight fraud and scams. Founded in response to the growing need to fight financial crime, Mission Omega customizes programs and connects fraud leaders to the right resources, training, talent and technology. To learn more about Mission Omega visit our website.

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Neurofraud Consulting LLC

Elena Michaeli
Austin, Texas

Neurofraud Consulting LLC provides specialized expertise in developing and implementing tailored fraud prevention strategies and helping Fintech and eCommerce companies prevent evitable revenue losses including fraudulent transactions, ATO, and dispute management. Our founder Elena, a veteran of the elite IDF intelligence unit 8200, is a fraud and payments innovator and has saved companies millions of dollars by optimizing digital activity, fraud, and information security for over a decade. Our dedication to integrity, impartiality, and excellence makes us a valuable partner for clients looking to mitigate risks and grow their businesses with confidence while enhancing customer experience.


Peter Taylor Consultants

Peter Taylor “The Fraud Guy”
Warrington, U.K.

Our team consists of good guys from law enforcement, cyber security and counter fraud backgrounds. This gives us a unique perspective, insight and abilities. We have saved our clients hundreds of millions of pounds across prevention, training and effective investigation. We ensure we are ahead of the game, and with our help you can be too. Our unique selling point is that we invest our resources into continuously researching current and emerging risks. We are trusted by and provide advice to some of the leading counter fraud providers and teams.

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Heather Grunkemeier
Seattle, WA

Twinkle.llc specializes in Trust and Safety Strategy, Product Management, and end-to-end Program Management. We are dedicated to making technology products safer and inspiring others to do the same. Our founder, Heather Grunkemeier, spent 10 years as a product leader at Expedia including 3 years in Singapore and 2 years in London leaving diverse international teams. In 2017 she found a calling to make technology products safer and developed a multi-year Trust and Safety investment strategy and managed the end-to-end related activities for Rover until May 2023. She founded Twinkel.llc with a vision to take her experience in Product Management and Trust and Safety Strategy to help other companies be safer, too.

If you need help understanding the risks and harms that could exist within your product and feel more confident you are placing the right corresponding 'bets' to address them, we’d love to help!


Whitelk Fraud Performance Consulting

Matt Gilham
London, U.K.

Whitelk supports organisations operating in the insurance sector in improving their effectiveness and efficiency in combatting fraud. We do this with a focus on ‘stopping the Bad and protecting the Good majority’, delivering enhancements to counter fraud capability while also improving customer experience.