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AF Education

How Blockchain Could Disrupt Online Fraud Prevention

People are always talking about how blockchain will change the world and disrupt industries. One of the industries that doesn’t get much attention in the TED talks and blog posts is e-commerce fraud prevention. The core feature of blockchain is the distributed ledger. This ledger records transactions in a database that can...
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What Does Machine Learning Mean for Fraud Prevention?

Everyone in fraud prevention must have heard the term machine learning bandied about in discussions about the changing nature of their work. However, the recent hype suggests that some of the people promoting machine learning solutions are either overstating or misrepresenting what the technology is currently doing and what it is capable...
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What VCR Really Means for Merchants

Visa Claims Resolution (VCR) is the biggest dispute policy update the payments industry has experienced in decades. Every stakeholder has been impacted, with requirements changing for cardholders, issuers, acquirers, and merchants. An unintended challenge of VCR is ensuring each stakeholder has the information and insight they need to comply with--and benefit from--the...
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What GDPR Means for Fraud Prevention

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a piece of EU legislation which directly impacts all organizations or people which process the personal information of individuals. Organizations that do not understand their fraud operations completely will end up with flawed or incomplete compliance with GDPR. There will be organizations found lacking and...
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Merchant Fraud Losses Rise 7% in 2017

Merchants’ total fraud losses rose 7% year on year in 2017 to 4.09% of total orders received, according to the Ecommerce Fraud Index figures released this week by fraud solution vendor Signifyd. Hardest hit were cosmetics and perfume retailers as their fraud rate doubled in 2017 to 5.1% of total orders received....
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3 Machine Learning Solutions Launch for Finance, Auto Loans & Groceries

Three separate machine learning fraud solutions targeting credit card issuers, auto loans and online groceries were released last week by Fiserv, PointPredictive and Ocado Technology, respectively. Fiserv teams up with Mastercard Financial services technology provider Fiserv made the biggest buzz when it announced that it had begun offering Mastercard’s Decision Intelligence fraud detection...
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Stop Falling for Dating Scams this Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is the holiday of love for couples. For most singles, it is an annual reminder of the need to find a significant other. That is why the holiday is an ideal time to discuss dating site scams that seek to entrap and extract money in a variety of ways from...
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Provider & Fraud Knowledge – Square One

It's tempting to approach fraud management in the same manner I assemble my son's toys. Start at step 7, jump to 15, let out a few gasps, an occasional holler... and settle on whatever mix of parts you can jam together. Lucky for me, a toddler is often just as happy to...
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