About the free webinar series
Fraud fighters, do you have the knowledge and tactics you need to fight back?
Here's what you'll learn:
Your presenters:

Eduardo Pires
Global Head of Industry
An engineer who likes to talk, Eduardo has been helping food delivery and ride-hailing apps fight fraud for over 3 years. As a frontline executive with a background in computer science, he is deeply passionate about understanding the tools fraudsters use worldwide and helping businesses reduce fraud. At Incognia, with its solutions already deployed on over 400M devices worldwide, Eduardo is developing the first gig economy community of fraud prevention professionals.

Raphael Vasconcellos
Head of Logistics
Raphael is the Head of Logistics | Fraud Prevention at iFood, a large Brazilian food delivery platform.

PJ Rohall
Co-Founder & Fraud Fighter
About Fraud
PJ has been fighting fraud for 15 years. He has strong understanding of mitigating bad actor use cases across the full customer journey. He leverages this skill set to educate and empower fraud fighters across the globe. He co-founded About Fraud, a global community built For Fraud Fighters, By Fraud Fighters. PJ exudes passion and vibrancy that engages others, while offering a refreshing dose of emotional intelligence. He is also a passionate mental health advocate, striving to break the stigma with personal stories of his journey with anxiety & OCD.