Virtual Round Table
February 2024 marks a turning point for European banking: The European Council has introduced instant payments across the EU, requiring transactions to be completed in just ten seconds. But these fast transactions pose significant security challenges: How can banks effectively detect fraud in such a short timeframe? The situation is further complicated by the PSD3 regulation, which requires banks to provide compensation in the event of fraud. This underlines the urgency of robust fraud prevention measures. The UK is about to implement similar legislation. In our webinar, Iain Swaine, Gareth Williams, and Ronald Praetsch will discuss how banks can prepare for these risks and explore strategies to strike a balance between speed and security.
Here's what you'll learn:
Your presenters:

Iain Swaine
Director EMEA,
Global Advisory
Iain has over 25 years' experience in cyber security, most of that time specialising in combating eCrime and online fraud.

Gareth Williams
Gareth is an expert in the field of bank fraud with over 20 years of experience.

Ronald Praetsch
Co-Founder &
Fraud Fighter
About Fraud
Ronald leverages his extensive experience in payments & fraud to inform the structure and content of the site. Outside of About-Fraud, Ronald consults regularly with merchants, payment service providers and fraud solution vendors. Before About-Fraud, he spent close to a decade in various payments and fraud prevention roles at Sift Science, Fareportal, Booking.com and Pay.On in both Europe and North America.