Point Predictive
Point Predictive provides AI-based risk management solutions for lending markets such as automotive, mortgage and online retail. It’s fraud scoring solutions use machine learning models to provide low false positive rates and help lenders identify all types of fraud or misrepresentation provided on a loan application to prevent losses.
Fraud Solution Profile
Auto Fraud Manageris a predictive scoring solution that identifies applications most likely to result in default. The higher the Auto Fraud Manager score, the higher the risk of fraud and early payment default. It also provides reason codes to help fraud analysts streamline their investigative strategies.
Synthetic ID Alert ™ helps auto lenders stop synthetic identity fraud by producing alerts on applications that exhibit patterns consistent with synthetic ID fraud. Reason codes are provided so the lender can take immediate steps to prevent funding of a fraudulent loan.
Mortgage Fraud Manager uses predictive analytics to help determine the fraud risk associated with each conforming (qualifying) and non-conforming (non-qualifying) mortgage application. It detects fraud and early payment default risk in conforming, non-conforming and HELOC loan applications.
Retail Fraud Manager helps retailers accurately identify high-risk applications who are most likely to default due to application fraud or early payment default while impacting the smallest numbers of good customers at the point-of-sale. It is able to detect more than 75% of risky applications in the highest scoring 10% applications to dramatically reduce fraud.
Information upon request
Ecommerce, Financial Services
Identity & Verification
Account Takeover, New Account Fraud, Payment Fraud, Synthetic Identity Fraud
Machine Learning