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Innovis partners with companies across multiple industries to solve problems surrounding identity verification, authentication and fraud. Built on the strength of our credit and identity data, we offer solutions that help limit fraud exposure while maintaining a first-class experience for your customers.


Location:Columbus, Ohio , United States
Founded: 1970

Fraud Solution Profile

Fraud-fighting solutions backed by the strength of Innovis data.

Through a variety of creative access methods and delivery channels, FailSafe® helps fight identity fraud and is focused on the business to business to consumer relationship. The solution’s flexibility can help protect a financial institution from fraud and provide consumers with a streamlined user experience.

How can FailSafe help?

  1. Know Your Customer and low-risk ID proofing
  2. Offers flexible security bundles to match individual transaction types
  3. Confirms customer presence in an interaction
  4. Delivers raw intelligence to feed internal authentication hubs

QuestionableID targets suspicious identities often classified as first-party fraud, including bust out, no-pay default, early-pay default and synthetic identity fraud. 

By combining identity characteristics, borrower behaviors and advanced analytics, QuestionableID helps discover identities used by thieves to acquire credit or services with no intent to pay. This solution helps catch harmful identities at application, before they open a new account, and also alerts you to potentially risky identities that have already infiltrated your portfolio. 

Key Benefits

  • Helps to reduce significant losses from thieves exploiting credit system
  • Saves time through automatic alerts and ongoing monitoring for suspicious activity
  • Easy to integrate in your existing platforms and processes via API.

Interested in learning more about FailSafe or QuestionableID? Get in touch with us here.



Ecommerce, Financial Services, Insurance, Telecom
 Primary Functionality
Identity & Verification
 Fraud Type
Account Takeover, Call Center Fraud, KYC & AML, New Account Fraud, Payment Fraud, Synthetic Identity Fraud
Multi-Factor Authentication, Rules Engine