About the free webinar
Scams are the most impactful fraud challenge in the world. This is due to the financial, psychological, and emotional toll it takes on all parties involved, including the financial institution.
Therefore, we're breaking from our normal webinar format to shed light on 6 scam fighting solutions.
Each company will be given 6 minutes to explain their core use case, approach, and value drivers. You will then be given time to fire questions their way. There is only so much we can get to in an hour, but we hope this lifts the curtain on scam fighting tech in the market.
Here's the breakdown of the session:
- Speaker & Company Intro's
- Presentations: Each company will be given 6 minutes to present
- Rapid Fire Q&A
- Closing: Company contact info provided
Your presenters:

PJ Rohall
About Fraud